Erginler Ciftligi Hayvancilik Tarim San. Tic. A.Ş. was established on 225 acres in Bursa Yenisehir in 2009. The central office of the establishment is in Pendik, Istanbul. The capacity of the farm was planned to be for 1000 cattles. 100 acres is prepared as green grass area that the cattles can walk around and feed at their will.

We have importaed 300 pregnant cattles from Australia. The calves are being born since April 2011. All the animals in our farm are carefully monitored by the vets. The bulls will be used for the delicious meat products after they reach their first year. We will establish our modern meat production facility on the Bursa-Bilecik road. You will be able to monitor the meat production through internet if you like.

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